I went for a walk today, wherein my newly found awareness was made clearer. Visions were brighter, sounds more distinct. My sense of smell, unfortunately, is still hampered by a petulant cold. At any rate, all of my senses seemed suddenly more acute, as if I was experiencing everything for the first time, only with the pre-recognition of a past life. The walk to the public library is relatively short, roughly 15 minutes on foot, walking at a decent pace. At the library, I picked up several books (The Martian Chronicles and I Sing the Body Electric! by Bradbury, The Philosophy of Surrealism by Alquie, and Test Your Lateral Thinking by Sloane).
The walk to and from the library was exhilarating, and I took some pictures on the way back, which I'll post separately.
There was one occurance that was out of the ordinary, but not in the way I would like. I temporarily acquired a new stalker...
While I was in the library (philosophy section, I think) this guy came in and walked behind the shelf I was standing at. I happened to glance up (which was probably the mistake that led to my following). He stopped on the other side of the shelf before moving on, and I thought nothing more of it. After I'd finished finding books (only a moderate amount as I still have school work) I went to check out and was told I had fines to pay. As I turned to go over to the computers to pay, I noticed that he was hovering by the bookshelves near the checkout desk. A little weird, but I dismissed it as a coincidence.
After I paid, I went back to check out books and he was right behind me. I realized this after I had checked out and noticed he was at the desk when I was putting the books in my backpack. He asked the librarian if the book he had on hold had come in. She said his book, Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince, was on its way but not in yet. I left the library and he followed, but turned the opposite way. At a street corner several blocks away, I saw him coming up the sidewalk as I was crossing the street. He crossed at the same point, but went behind the buildings. I spotted him once more after that, but lost him after I stopped several times to take pictures.
Just plain weird.
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1 month ago
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