I conquered my fear of bees
(with a surprising amount of ease).
I was waiting for my class,
sitting in the hallway on my ass.
Reading yet another book,
when downward I did look.
I found on my green jacket,
to my surprise, a yellow jacket!
To stay calm, I tried my best,
as my heart stopped dead in my chest.
I took my book and swatted it away,
(what did you think I would say?)
It began to crawl across the floor,
now I aimed to even out the score.
Beneath my book it was flattened,
before it even knew what happened.
This was not a fatal blow which
only caused it to flail and twitch.
To be sure, I hit it again
I wanted it dead (amen)
Sure enough, it gave it final throes
after my two deathblows.
I emerged victorious,
it was glorious.
I'd conquered my fear of bees.
This happened yesterday, but I figured telling it poetically would be more fun.
And now for episode 5 revenge of the bees.
I love the writers tool to the right...
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Thank you for understanding and hope to see your prints soon
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