2/12/09- 2:00am
I awoke to the sound of screams
In the distance, the cries of my brethren
Pierce me to the core, but I can do nothing,
Paralyzed with fear, rooted.
I hear the sharp roars of the enemy
In the hands of those who were once friends.
With each passing day, they draw closer
My fate is sealed, I cannot run.
My limbs outstreched
In all directions, defenseless.
Today I see their faces, no emotion,
Only exhaustion from their gruesome work,
Their hands, sticky with the blood
Of my brothers and sisters.
The roar of their devouring blades,
surrounding me, whirling teeth,
Tearing into flesh,
But what is this?
They maimed me, tore me to pieces,
then left me to bleed? To die a slow death?
The pain is unbearable, someone end this madness!
I await the rain, to cleanse my wounds,
Heal me,
Before they tear me apart again
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1 month ago